Sunday, July 24, 2011

Another interesting topic.....

                Another report of Mr. benjor and Ms. sarah..The report of Mr. benjor is all about the cognitive learning and Ms. Sarah Jane are all about making a lesson Plan.In report of Mr. Benjor, he try to explain to us the cognitive learning and he try call our attention by telling us if there is a question of his report and he call one of us to read his report. Perhaps of the report of Mr. Benjor are understandable and explain well. The next reporter of Mr. Benjor was Ms. Sarah Jane..First of his discussion, she give us an activity by pair to write down in the paper our daily activity after we weak up in the morning.Then, she call some of us to tell what our partner write down in their paper. Then, She asked to us what is the function of her activity that she given to us to his report. Then, she begin her report about making the lesson plan.I know that the report of Ms. Sarah are very important to us because we are now practicing our teaching. by the 2nd Semester, we are making this lesson plan..Lesson plan are plan of the teacher ahead in her class. We plan ahead what to do in our class so that we have a guide to achieve in the end of our class.Ms.Sarah said it is like a blue print in the engineering field making a building.If there is a blue print in the engineer, there is a lesson plan of the teacher.

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