Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"Teaching is a vocation course"

                As I learn in our class in the EDP 9.In our class, it is like an orientation to us that what are works of being a teacher and what are the responsible of being of it.Also, I learned that a good teacher they are act as a role model to the students and they are much knowledgeable to them.The teacher should have lot of patience and  should expert to the subject they handle.They should read lot of books in advance that they able to share in the their class. A good teacher should value their work because what are the student learned to them it is a big impact to their future. The teacher are build the future of the student. As I remembered that Ms. Anjie shared to us a story about "a teacher". In the story there are people talking about their profession. They talk about that what are the big contribution to the community and it is really all of them have a great contribution. But the teacher much have great contribute because the teacher made all of them to their profession.Without a teacher, all of them are not be made to their profession.An engineer are not be made without a teacher who are to teach them to their profession and other courses.God also is a good teacher, they teach us moral values. 
             And in our class in EDP 9 we learn so many thing like how to handle in case we are now begin our teaching.Some theory we learn how to deliver our class in case we are now teaching and some consideration that should be learn in processing in learning that able to acquire by the students. So many theory that we learn to be able to know. And we begin our reporting in the class and it is the beginning how to handle our topic.We stand in front and discuss our topic. This is all of my experience and learn in EDP 9 about Computer Teaching.

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